We are small scale

With a maximum capacity of eight children, our small setting gives children the opportunity to explore at their own pace, alongside other peers. The small scale means that the Beansprouts team are able to fully engage with your child throughout their days with us, allowing their cognitive development to expand and flourish.

The Beansprouts Ethos

We offer a child-led approach

With a child led approach to play we offer a stimulating environment in which children can participate in a variety of activities tailored to each child’s specific interests. By observing and listening we learn about what they’re interested in and incorporate it into their play and learning – if dinosaurs are a firm favourite you can bet we’ll be getting them out to frolic on the messy play trays!

Sample Menu

Breakfast Yoghurt with granola and fruit

Lunch Pho noodles with cabbage, peas carrots and tofu

Dinner Cous cous with apricots and feta

Morning Snack Cucumber, celery, hummus and rice cakes

Afternoon Snack Homemade oat bar and apple

The Beansprouts Day

8:30-10:00 Free play, indoor and outdoor

10:00-10:30 Morning Snack

10:30-10:45 Singing and Music

10:45-11:30 Free play, indoor and outdoor

11:30-11:45 Tidy-up time

11:45-12:30 Lunch

12:30-13:00 Wind down with a story

13:00 onwards Nap time for older children

15:30-16:00 Afternoon Snack

16:00-18:00 Free play, indoor and outdoor